Covid-19 = Lockdown = Backlog = Problem
I’m sure like many RPs, during Lockdown, you may have built up a backlog of repair work and are now working with contractors to manage this backlog in a controlled way. In my experience it is very rare for a contractor to admit when extra work will overwhelm his resources and so it falls to the experienced manager to take a view on the capacity of his contractors to manage any additional loads.
One issue you will face is analysing the contractor’s data to decide his ability to efficiently absorb additional volumes, do you ask him to provide the information or do you do your own review? Often this will depend on factors such as your ability to get accurate details and understanding of your contractors set up and position. Now if they are your DLO you should have a good understanding of the resource situation, whereas if they are a term contractor the view will be more obscured. One thing is for sure if you get this wrong and overload the contractor you will suffer poor service long delays and low satisfaction rates.
Below are three options chosen by clients we have worked for over the last few years and they form a nice little experimental group, we will review each option in a few months’ time to see if any learning presents itself.
Option 1. Pass the work over to your existing main contractor
Here are some of the pros and cons already discovered by our clients:
Expected Pros
a. Clears the client system down
b. Places all orders with the known contractor
c. Uses existing monitoring methods to track progress
d. Uses existing contract meetings reducing workload on client side
e. Allows RP staff to use existing contact systems to chase work on resident’s behalf
Expected Cons
a. Will probably overwhelm the contractor at least initially
b. Will necessitate the contractor increasing workforce temporarily
c. Contractor is likely to miss targets
d. Strain on client contractor relationship
e. Contractor damages their reputation in the eye of RP staff
Option 2 Bring in a dedicated contractor to work short term on the backlog
Here are some of the pros and cons already discovered by our clients;
Expected Pros
a. Clears the client system down
b. Places all orders with a contractor
c. Uses monitoring methods to track backlog progress
d. Uses contract meetings to manage progress and relationship
e. Allows RP staff to use a dedicated resource for the backlog
Expected Cons
a. Will probably overwhelm the contractor at least initially
b. Will necessitate the contractor increasing workforce temporarily
c. Contractor is likely to miss targets
d. Places strain on client contractor relationship
e. Contractor damages their reputation and existing contractor appears to be untrusted in the eye of RP staff
Option 3. Place work with a repair’s platform such as plentific or other
Here are some of the pros and cons already discovered by our clients;
Expected Pros
a. Clears the client system down
b. Removes the need for contract meetings reducing workload on client side
Expected Cons
a. The contractor will initially be an unknown quantity
b. Will the contractor deliver your service as you designed?
c. Contractor mistakes damages your reputation.
All of the above routes should have possible risks and rewards and we will review the outcomes in more detail in a couple of months. We are now assisting clients with their backlog works either as a one-off, short-term or longer-term piece of work.
Cordery Castle has formed ‘Team Castle’, made up of 4 senior practitioners who have between them over 125 years’ experience of housing, they work together to provide a focused flexible service for our clients. They form the core of our offering supported by other associates who all share the same goal “to make a difference in every project we do”.
If you feel we could help you with this or any other type of issue please contact Paul, Tim or Richard for a confidential chat.
Richard Cordery
MD Cordery Castle Ltd
07811 946744
Useful link:-
Also further update for Landlords, tenants and Local Authorities.