Our portfolio of previous projects.

At Cordery Castle we look to provide timely, accurate and focused resources into helping you achieve your goals, from highly experienced housing professionals. You can view our most recent activities in the Projects section.

We hope once you have read through our website and examples of the projects and previous work you will contact us for a confidential discussion.

London Based Local Authority

Implementation of Framework Agreement

We were asked to take on a bespoke framework and develop the setup and administration of the agreement with the successful contractors and consultant partners. Organising the Core group and its foundation to achieve an efficient running day to day operational structure with the aim of turning over £10m of large works per year with minimal delay and disputes.

We also as part of the process, developed customer contact and satisfaction processes with the LA’s and Contractors customer teams. Producing literature, roadshows and incentives to maximise good two-way communications.

The end result was an efficient combined team structure, programmes hitting their targets and high customer satisfaction.

Mobilisation of national M&E contract

Consultancy project

Working with the new regional structure, of one of the largest educational academy groups in the UK, to achieve the launch of national coverage for all M&E servicing, capital replacement and reactive repair works. We supported staff in moving from individual academy budgets to four regional budgets.  Oversaw the first year of the one-twelfth payment contract which involved many meetings and close working with the staff at all levels across the whole country. After one year all targets achieved with both culture and contracts embedded.

TMO Asset data review

We recently assisted a London Borough with identifying issues and improving data before reviewing and assisting with the building of an asset performance model, which allowed a more efficient planned works programme.

The system used was Keystone, using all the compliance modules stored on the same server but away from the Keystone software.

Keystone Audit for an HA

The Housing Association asked us to review all data within Keystone including the reference tables and lifecycles.

Carried out data audit looking for errors within their Keystone systems. Following the review assisted with the corrections and adjustments on the use of the system to improve the efficiency of the processes.

The exercise resulted in improved process and the officers confident on the information coming from the reports.

Review of an in-house contractor and associated improvement work

Consultancy Project

A large London based Provider with an in-house contractor is one year old, at the right time for review.  We looked at all areas of the business for evidence of what went well, what went not so well, and what direction changes might be followed in year two and beyond, our brief included presenting final report/action plan to Directors and Board for consideration and possible implementation.

Areas for action included, Detailed reconciliation of Management accounts, Review of invoicing backlog and develop detailed mitigation plan with target dates, in addition, compile a suite of ICT reports to be generated as business management tools, Review voids required standard and formalise scope and spec, Review repairs hot spots and liaise with responsible officers, Review all supply chain expenditure and final accounts, Review and finalise KPI statistics and data sources, Analyse operatives average jobs per day, Recruitment and integration plan for new MD, Review health and safety strategy and plan, Analyse emergency repairs (day to day and OOH) for cause, Review supply chain procurement and Nat-fed discount, Review supply chain management and usage.

Internal measures required included, development of internal quality control and performance management processes, review long term sick statistics and set an action plan, Set training plans for all staff and implement, Review structure and competence levels of all staff, Review internal process for all elements of delivery, Review internal commercial processes and develop new cost model, Complete detailed material analysis inclusive of van stock checks. Develop a business plan vision mission statement and values, implement new meeting schedules and agendas, implement voids order process, carry out a detailed review of operative resources linked to repairs ratio.

Generate internal commercial review process linked to new cost model, develop a communication plan for all stakeholders including Hearts and Minds, act as steer and support to sub-board members including legislative guidance, provide attendance and support at stakeholder meetings.

Acted as lead to a team of 8 of our interim managers to implement the approved action plan of whilst acting lead on the hearts and minds programme. Show savings have been achieved and productivity increased along with a greatly improved working relationship between the teams that make up the customer experience through project board reports.

Set up & roll-out of Joint Venture repairs service and new compliance section

Interim Project

We were brought in to oversee the development of the Joint Venture (JV) along with other delivery contracts, whilst managing compliance and supporting staff transferring into the new joint venture (JV) or remaining outside the JV, working with call centre and outgoing contractors.  The JV is set up to work on a PPP & PPV pricing structure reviewed against actual spend on a quarterly basis and has been providing excellent outcomes for over 8 years.

Pulling all compliance areas together under the new role allowed us to develop a full range of reporting which allowed the Board to easily view the compliance position.  Before completing the role, we moved compliance reporting to exception reporting, which saved board time.  This was a generic operations department, and working as a senior manager within the team we were able to play a full role with staff to address many cross-department issues.

Technical Support Service

Interim Project

A London based local authority opted to bring services back in-house following a less than successful outsource project, this required the provision of a short term one year contract for three contractors, the setting up of a DLO, and the establishment of a new call centre plus associated processes and procedures.   Acting as technical support to the Call Centre, DLO, Compliance section and Contractors, we provided input to changes in process and procedure. Additionally, trained staff on general repairs, fault diagnosis, description writing and all technical matters including the benefits of the Price Per Property system adopted by the local authority.