A consistent approach to managing rent accounts is essential

A consistent approach to managing rent accounts is essential. Without it, the ability to fund and carry out repairs is greatly reduced. At Cordery Castle we feel this can be achieved most effectively through bespoke software.

Manual processes for managing rents have, over the years, been replaced by computerised systems. However, many small and medium sized housing associations have not yet transitioned to purpose built software solutions. The initial outlay combined with the time required for set-up and training is enough to put many people off. Yet the pros to automated rent management far outstrip the cons.

For instance, ensuring that electronic BACS payments and Direct Debits are credited straight to the correct accounts removes the need for manual processing. Using the Castle Management System (CMS), manual data entries become the exception rather than the norm leaving the time to be used constructively elsewhere.

Without regular monitoring, late or missed payments can quickly escalate into a situation requiring significant time and attention to resolve. CMS offers a tailored monitoring tool that flags up changes in the frequency of payments and the amount being paid, with a report showing where an action is required, which can serve as an early warning sign that a tenant is struggling to meet their rental commitments. This in turn is an essential tool for staff supervision and time management to ensure failing accounts are prioritised also to provide reports to board members or external regulative authorities.

Should rent arrears become unresolvable, CMS will help demonstrate that every reasonable attempt has been taken to assist the tenant before instigating legal action for possession, with a feature that allows exporting of diary notes as an accurate record of the efforts made. Cordery Castle can also provide assistance and guidance for taking cases to court.

At Cordery Castle, it is our aim to provide you with the resources and guidance to manage your rent accounts cost effectively. This is just one aspect of the comprehensive housing management service that we can offer. For more information contact Richard or a member of the team at enquiries@corderycastle.co.uk.

If you have a specific rental issue and need an urgent response please email Richard directly on richard@corderycastle.co.uk